The IAESTE CoRe & CER Workshop Leaders Pool is a joint collaboration between two IAESTE Regions: Connect Region (CoRe) and Central European Region (CER).
The aim of this platform is to provide a source of Workshop Leaders for the various IAESTE Conferences or events and webinars that may take place within CoRe and CER. The Pool is also used as training ground for any IAESTE member willing to improve their presentation and workshop leading skills.
Why? To improve skills of NC & LC members within CER and CoRe and to strengthen knowledge transfer between countries.
Beside leading workshops on CEC, LEAP, CoCon and other conferences, the senior workshop leaders from this pool can also be tutors to junior (less experienced) workshop leaders.
Mentors are available for members and share their knowledge about organizing a specific IAESTE project/event.
For more information, please see the document CER & CoRe Workshop Leaders Pool Guidelines and general CER & CoRe workshop leaders lists.