The Connect Region was founded in 2014 to support cooperation between countries within Europe. The first Connect Conference was hosted in 2010.
The Connect Region (CoRe) is an IAESTE Regional Initiative that wants to help IAESTE grow and reach its aims, globally, but with a focus on the northern, western and southern parts of Europe. The Region wants to take up two main roles:
- Connecting, in as many ways as possible, the local and national IAESTE levels, and in that way helping Local and National Committees to thrive.
- Supporting the direction the international IAESTE level is headed, by translating its aims and goals to concrete projects ready for execution, or by suggesting projects bottom-up.
- To be a platform for increased and efficient communication between member countries internally and between member countries and other regional initiatives or the international IAESTE level.
- To be a platform for exchanging ideas, knowledge, experience and points of view.
- To provide benefits for individual IAESTE members, including training, motivation, international experience, personal connections, cultural exchange and the chance to develop leadership skills.
- To be a platform for the initiation and execution of international IAESTE projects aside from the internship exchange program. The Region aims to help, advance and share knowledge between the member countries, through united CoRe projects.