Career shuttle (Firmenshuttle) in Austria


IAESTE FirmenShuttle is a project founded in 2009 and connects students from all over Austria and selected companies in engineering, scientific research and the industrial sector. By visiting presentations, getting exclusive tours and participating in exciting discussions students can get the opportunity to have an insight in each company’s individual structure and activities. All of this directly in the company. And therefore get a glimpse into the different business worlds.


Students of BSc, MSc and PhD programmes, as well as graduates are allowed to participate, free of charge. To keep the quality of the trips as high as possible, the number of participants for each trip should range between 10 and 15 people. The selection of participants is done by the companies.


  • You get a peek behind the scenes of the company.
  • The excursions are done in small groups.
  • You can network with CEO’s directly.
  • Participation is completely free of charge.

Overview (english):

Company Shuttle in Macedonia

What is Company Shuttle?

Company Shuttle is a project being organized in Macedonia since 2015, intended to be hold once a year. Main goal of this international project is primarily, to let companies present themselves and their work to a group of young academic people, all students and graduates. Furthermore, to give the opportunity to these enthusiasts to take a one day trip to the company and have an up-close look at their working environment and insight in their possible future employments.

Why Company Shuttle?

We can come to a conclusion that both, employer and students, need a mediator who will make a better and closer relationship between them.

The employers are aiming to not only innovate, eager to teach students, but also to show significant professional engagement. On the other hand, the students don’t get the whole picture about what the company they are interested in is doing. That’s why there is a Company Shuttle, to help both sides.

This creates basis for new and innovative ways of communication between students and companies. In the role of mediator and organizer of this project is IAESTE Macedonia.


This project is an opportunity for better approach to academic learning, where most of the attention is focused on theoretical way of problem solving, but also the business world, where practical, engineering solutions are expected.

Nowadays, projects with similar approach are done in other countries too. The positive feedback from them is a confirmation for its legitimacy.


Promotion Competition Access Choice Business Experience
Marketing promotion of the company. The company is not in competition with any other company.

The company is the main focus of the project.

The company has full access to students’ profiles. The company has full choice of students’ profiles and roles in the visitation. Expanding around the students.

Education and getting to know the company’s business.

Practical experience

For more information, please visit us here: